$250.00 USD

2 monthly payments

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Expert Academy Pro: Sales Page Builder - Split Payment X2 $250

What you get inside the training...

  • Instant access to all modules
  • Direct support throughout the course
  • Membership to the Live Support Tutor & Student community 
  • 30 Day Money back Guarantee
  • BONUS 1: Create a brilliant webinar sales funnel
  • BONUS 2: Master Email Marketing
  • BONUS 3: Pre-launch Buzz Builder


My promise to you...
Is that, if you do the work involved, follow my recipe, ask for help and guidance where you need it and you still struggle to get results, then come to me...and we can have a conversation.


Student Testimonials...

In an online world full of experts and gurus, it's a godsend to have found Alex. He's the real deal. He's willing to share, with others, every single step that has brought him success. I've already taken huge leaps forward in my business".

Sue Hay